Dancing at the Ocean

निशम्य कर्माणि गुणानतुल्यान्वीर्याणि लीलातनुभिः कृतानि यदातिहर्षोत्पुलकाश्रुगद्गदं प्रोत्कण्ठ उद्गायति रौति नृत्यति ७.७.३४

“When a devotee hears the superexcellent qualities and equally fabulous activities that the Supreme Personality performs in his various leela-avatars, in that ecstatic state goosebumps erupt on his body, tears stream out of his eyes, he sings out even as his voice is choking and he dances even as he weeps.”
(Bhagavat, 7-7-34)

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.